From now on. Stories for a next tomorrow
May 24, 2024 - January 5, 2025EXTENSION: Until January 5, 2025
How many stories can one find in a museum? How many stories create, compose a museum and lead it to a next page? Works of art, large and small collections, large sets of donations or private donations, people of many professions, the institution itself, even the building itself, all the above "speak" and "suggest" their own stories in the case of the new exhibition of the MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art entitled "From now on. Stories for a next tomorrow" which will be presented at the museum, in Thessaloniki, from 24 May to 17 November, 2024.
After all, there are many stories; initially those by the 100 artists participating in the exhibition and eventually even more. After all, stories are told or written in many ways and in many tones, and this particular exhibition is definitely not another linear view of art history, but as a starting point for a dialogue around the social and artistic relationships that the works themselves, their creators and their recipients allow to flourish.
The exhibition is comprised by only few artworks derived by the larger collections of the Museum of Contemporary Art, after the merge of the then Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art and the State Museum of Contemporary Art, back in 2018, when MOMus was founded.
The exhibition reveals a lot: fascinating artist biographies; unique experiences; experiences of astonishment and deep trauma; stories about conditions of oppression and control; stories of sexuality and identity; unknown collaborations and relationships between artists of different genres; unknown stories about the city of Thessaloniki and the Museum’s institutional development; unknown incidents of inspiration; unexpected combinations of historical, mythical and fantastical elements.
The stories arose from the research and other interests of Museum staff, but also from the interests of educational groups, historians, artists, and other prominent intellectual figures.
The exhibition also marks the partial redesign of the visitor's experience within the architectural space: a renewed reception and renewed infrastructure, with the hope of changing the actual feel and movement within the spaces.
The collective installation "Sweet Dreams" by Alexandros Kapetanos, Dimitris Kapetanos and Maria Tsemelis is also hosted until July 1 at MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art, as part of the Europride 2024 in Thessaloniki.
Artistic Director/ Curated by: Thouli Misirloglou
With the contribution of: Theodore Markoglou, Yiannis Bolis, Katerina Syroglou, Post-Spectacular Office
Patriating Artists: Carla Accardi, Vahram Aghasyan, Alexis Akrithakis, Yuri Albert, Dimitris Alithinos, Stephen Antonakos, Irene Aperghis, Achilleas Aperghis, Arman (Armand Fernandez), Alkistis Athanasiadou, Manolis Baboussis, Babi Badalov, James Balog, Gilbert Bel-Bachir, Filippo Berta, Joseph Beuys, Fani Boudouroglou, Yiannis Bouteas, Reinhard Brandner, Victor Brauner, Camille Bryen, Wolff Buchholz, Vlassis Caniaris, Lizzie Calligas, Thanasis Chondros (1953) – Alexandra Katsiani, John Christoforou, Chryssa (Vardea-Mavromichali), Costas Coulentianos, Roberto Crippa, Lydia Dambassina, Danil (Panagopoulos), DAS (Epaminondas Daskalopoulos, Thomas Diafas, Cleopatra Dinga, Electros (Babis Vekris |), Yevgeniy Fiks, Filolaos (Tloupas), Novello Finotti, Michel François, Yannis Gaitis, Henning von Gierke, Daniel Gounaridis, Davos Hanich, Michael Hasted, Lisa Hoever, Konstantinos Ignatiadis, Ingrid Jörg, Marina Karella, William Klein, Viktor Koen, Panos Kokkinias, Dimosthenis Kokkinidis, Jannis Kounellis, Maria Loizidou, Alexandros Maganiotis, Erwan Mahéo, Teta Makri, Caroline May, Yannis Moralis, Zanele Muholi, Dennis Oppenheim, Leda Papaconstantinou, Natasha Papadopoulou, Pavlos (Dionyssopoulos), A.R. Penck, Dimitris Perdikidis, alexandros m. Pfaff, Joan Rabascall, Jean-Pierre Raynaud, Patrick Raynaud, Martial Raysse, Rembrandt, Chryssa Romanos, Niki de Saint Phalle, Yerassimos Steris, Takis (Panayiotis Vassilakis), Theofilos (Hadjimichail), Theodoros (Papadimitriou), Jean Tinguely, Filippos Tsitsopoulos, Costas Tsoclis, Alexandros Tzannis, Alexandros Valvis, John Vassos, Babis Venetopoulos, Javier Vilato, Jacques Villeglé, Andreas Voussouras, Pericles Vyzantios, Linda Waber, Andy Warhol, Emmett Williams, Gil J. Wolman, Peter Wüthrich, Yang Yongliang, Otto Zitko, Vasilis Zografos, George Zongolopoulos.
Exhibition’s & catalogue’s texts/stories:
Lena Athanasopoulou, Visual Artist, Collaborator of the Education Department of MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art
Yannis Bolis, Head of Department of Contemporary Art, MOMus-Museum Alex Mylona
Katerina Gagaki and Renia Chatzigeorgiou, Educators (Vassiliadis Schools)
Domna Gounari, Curator of MOMus-Experimental Center for the Arts
Katerina Kamara, Founding member of the Macedonian Center (and later Museums) of Contemporary Art, Co-owner of the ZITA-MI Gallery
Elena Kechagia, Art Historian, Collaborator of MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art
Panos Kokkinias, Artist
Katerina Koskina, Art Historian, Former President of the former State Museum of Contemporary Art
Maro Layia, Founding member of the Macedonian Center (and later Museums) of Contemporary Art, Co-owner of the ZITA-MI Gallery
Elena Kechagia, Art Historian, Collaborator of MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art
Areti Leopoulou, Curator of MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art
Theodore Markoglou, Curator of MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art
Teta Makri, Artist
Manos Manakas, Psychoanalyst
Christoforos Marinos, Independent Curator of exhibitions
Christina Mavini, Curator of Education of MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art
Thouli Misirloglou, Artistic Director of MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art
Yannis Papadopoulos, a fan of Klein’s work
Eirini Papakonstantinou, Curator of MOMus-Expereimental Center for the Arts
Theodora Poimenidou, English Language Teacher of 8th EPAL Thessaloniki
Effie Skylitsi, Art Theorist, Visual Artist, Collaborator of the Education Department of MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art
Katerina Syroglou, Curator of MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art
Maria Tsantsanoglou, Artistic Director of MOMus-Museum of Modern Art-Costakis Collection
Filippos Tsitsopoulos, Artist
Denys Zacharopoulos, Art Historian, Former Artistic Director of the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art
Olga Fota, Registrar & Artworks Conservator of MOMus